Category: Led to Lead

The Intersection

This week on the Led to Lead podcast, we dive into another special episode highlighting an episode of The Intersection Podcast. The Intersection Podcast is hosted by Pastor & Coach Kemp Boyd, Pastor Jeff Bogue, and Bishop Joey Johnson. On this episode, they focus on what it looks like to lean into love and what it can look like to do that together. If you would like to hear more about The Intersection Podcast, you can find more information and the rest of their episodes here.

Genuine Intimacy & Authentic Connections

This week on the Led to Lead podcast, we dive into a special episode highlighting an episode of the Momentum Ministry Partners Podcast where their Director Eric Miller and Dr. Juli Slattery, Founder of Authentic Intimacy, discuss how we can foster genuine intimacy and build authentic connections in today’s digital age. We hope you find this conversation as fascinating and inciteful as we did! If you would like to learn more about Momentum Ministry Partners and the amazing work they do, you learn more about them at Similarly, if you would like to learn more about Dr. Juli Slattery and her work with Authentic Intimacy, you can learn more about them here: Authentic Intimacy.

Brian & Lynette Bowen

On this week’s episode of the Led to Lead podcast, we get to hear from Brian and Lynette Bowen! They share with us a bit of their family’s story of getting connect at Grace Church and how serving and leading within the young adult ministry at the church has deeply impacted their lives as they have been able to impact those young adults God has brought around them!

Inviting People In

On this week’s episode of the Led to Lead podcast, we get to hear from John and Carey Sommer! John and Carey have been long time attenders and leaders at Grace Church. They share with us the power of invitation and their background of people surrounding and walking with them when they needed it most and how that enabled them to be able to do the same thing for others!

Shepherding While We Are Shepherded

On this week’s episode of the Led to Lead podcast, we get to hear from Grace Church’s Middle School Pastor John Gressock! John discusses what leadership actually is and shares with us his experience walking alongside and shepherding middle schoolers and how that is reflected in the way we interact with God and pursue Him.

Living Life for an Audience of One

On this week’s episode of the Led to Lead podcast, we get to hear from one of Grace Church’s elders, Rick Perren, on why it is so important that we run after the Lord. Rick shares with us his experience, what he has learned on his journey to be led by Jesus, and how he has learned to live for an audience of one.

Representing Christ in the Workplace

On this week’s episode of the Led to Lead podcast, we get to hear Paul Starr’s story of how he came to be a part of the Grace Church family and how he intentionally brings the fruits of the Spirit into his workplace as he leads and guides those God has place around him.

Belonging Before You Believe

This week on the Led to Lead podcast, we get an eye-opening look into the world of young adults at Grace Church from the perspective of Pastor Josiah Bogue. Josiah walks us through his perspective on young adults and the gospel, how he leads the Collective Young Adult Ministry at Grace Church, and how the Lord has been working through young adults to reach the lost.

Leading by Example in Our Pursuit of Christ

This week on the Led to Lead podcast, we dive into the story of Joel Rayl. Joel has been a part of the Grace Church family for many years and has been a Life Group leader for many of them. He walks us through his ongoing journey of falling in love with Jesus instead of religion, how that has informed his passion for helping other men pursue Christ daily, and details how he has done that through D-groups.

Consistency and Effective Communication

On this week’s episode of the Led to Lead podcast, we are joined by Adam Rissmiller. Adam is an entrepreneur and marketplace professional who is also greatly involved in the marriage ministry at Grace Church. Adam walks us through his experiences both learning and teaching the value of communication and consistency as a leader and in marriage.