Category: Grace Unscripted

Isaac Bogue

“It’s not hard to have a day camp. To have a quality day camp centered on the gospel – that’s hard. And it’s only able to be centered on the gospel if you have enough volunteers to take care of the absolute essentials and even more to double down on the gospel.

The thing I’m most excited about is how we can use sports with kids, high school, and college to develop leaders who then train the next kids who jump into middle school then high school and then college and to make that cycle healthy and the best it con be.” -Isaac Bogue

He didn’t plan on working towards being a pastor, or working at his dad’s church when he grew up, but as he followed God’s call, that’s exactly where he found himself. And our church family and community are blessed by Isaac’s (and Barry Basketball’s) energy, commitment, and impact. 

Leigh Ann Hradil

“When we found ourselves desperate to save our family, it just felt natural to turn to church. We needed community, we didn’t know that then, but I know now that’s what we needed.

Community was everything we didn’t know we needed when our marriage was all but dead. And it became everything that we needed to be who we are today.” -Leigh Ann Hradil

Ray Dunkle

“Success really drove me. Then in my mid- 30’s I came to Grace and I started committing my life to Christ and I thought, ‘Huh, which master am I going to serve?’… My life priorities were shifting because I knew the Lord, but I came to love him and be defined by Him.” -Ray Dunkle

Bethany Miller Part 2

Ministry bombs. Moving mid-pandemic. Marriage crisis. Miraculous redemption. “Now the biggest question that I’ve been asking God is, ‘How are we going to use this story?’” More hard questions and more giggles as we conclude episode 2 of 2 with Bethany Miller.

Bethany Miller Part 1

“In my junior year, I experienced my first bout of very serious depression… I can recall very clearly moments lying in bed as an angsty teenager going, ‘God I gave my life to you and this is what you gave me?’” -Bethany Miller

John Gressock

“I started to fall apart in middle school… I realized nobody actually cares. If this is what Christians are like I don’t want any part of it. My biggest fear is that happens to kids today in our own ministry.” -John Gressock

This week’s Unscripted conversation goes deep into the story of Grace’s Student Ministries Middle School Pastor, John. Hear how the desperation and loneliness he experienced as a teen now inspires him to show the love of Jesus to our current middle school students so they feel seen and known.

Sunni Gressock

“I think I’m going to ask my neighbor if she wants to follow Jesus tomorrow.” -Sunni Gressock

If you want to hear the story of a woman who relentlessly pursues people for Jesus and be inspired to live boldly, too – don’t miss today’s Unscripted conversation!

Bryan Hoffman

“My brother-in-law just kept inviting me to go to church… I went in looking for anything and everything I could find wrong so that I would never ever go back to church… I realized how hard of a wall I had built up and God busted through that thing and I allowed myself to stand up and accept prayer… I was so happy that I finally saw Him again and I couldn’t stop crying… That was the moment where my faith and everything shifted and I felt called into ministry.” Bryan Hoffman

Paul Basone

“After the funeral at the church we were married in… I stood at the same spot that we said our vows. I remember telling God,through a lot of tears, ‘I get it. Your Fathership trumps my husbandship… She is yours first and like her dad gave her away here, I am giving her away to you.’” -Paul Basone

Here is the Unscripted story of Paul’s journey through the privilege and pain of losing his wife and how God has used it in ways he never could have asked or imagined.

Zoe Oseni

“When you take a minute to look back at God’s faithfulness, I think that is where rest comes, and confidence comes, and peace in the Lord’s plan for your life.” – Zoe Jamison
Between grief and healing, anger and joy, singleness and marriage, Zoe shares the highs and lows in her story on the next episode of grace unscripted.