Kelci Rayl

“God loved me so deeply to save my depraved heart unconditionally. I had a good sense of hope that it was going to be ok. Sometimes we’ll take the biological part really far or the spiritual part really far. Nate was really good about reminding me that while you are learning all these things that are going on with you hormonally, remember the spiritual side. As a person you are spiritual, emotional, and physical. And it wasn’t like, ‘Oh, ah ha! Now I’m better!’ It was a very drawn out, messy time. Having a foundation in Christ, I very much believed there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. That is salvation. If that is not true, what is the point?” -Kelci Rayl 

Kelci gets real in today’s episode, sharing the depths of her experience of becoming a mom and teaching us what it took years for her to understand about Postpartum Anxiety and Depression. If her story resonates with you and you would like to talk to someone about your own experience, please reach out to us at