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02/14/15 – 30 in 30: Missions

God did not give the church to the church, he gave the church to the world.

As followers of Christ and part of the church, our lives have tremendous impact potential. We never need to feel bored, because there are always fresh and exciting ways that God is calling us to reach out with the love and story of Jesus.

Sometimes that means going to hard places and doing hard things. It almost always means taking steps of faith to watch and be a part of God doing impossible things.

During this series, 30 IN 30, we’ll be exploring the ways God invites us to be a part of His incredible story. God created us to not only impact those around us today, but for our lives to echo through eternity. All we have to do is decide to join Him. Are you in?

02/07/16 – 30 in 30: Mercy

God did not give the church to the church, he gave the church to the world.

As followers of Christ and part of the church, our lives have tremendous impact potential. We never need to feel bored, because there are always fresh and exciting ways that God is calling us to reach out with the love and story of Jesus.

Sometimes that means going to hard places and doing hard things. It almost always means taking steps of faith to watch and be a part of God doing impossible things.

During this series, 30 IN 30, we’ll be exploring the ways God invites us to be a part of His incredible story. God created us to not only impact those around us today, but for our lives to echo through eternity. All we have to do is decide to join Him. Are you in?

01/31/2016 – State of the Church: 2016

Each year we set aside time during the State of the Church to look back on the last ministry season and celebrate all God has done. We also look forward to how God is calling Grace Church to be a part of His amazing story in our time and place in history.