9/15/19 – Here And Now – Everyone Leads Someone

There are certain things in life that just take investment and long term commitment. The only way to stay in shape is to work out regularly. If you want to learn advanced mathematics, you have to go school. Learning to play music with excellence only happens with a lot of practice over the course of time.

In much the same way, a vibrant, growing relationship with God only happens through regular, intentional interaction with Him. If we want to grow spiritually, impact our community and love the people around us, while understanding more and more about who God is, it is going to take time and effort. But that isn’t anything new. That’s true of anything that is worth doing.

This fall, during our series, Here & Now, we’re excited to hit the ground running to pursue being exactly who God has called us to be, both as individuals and as a church family. We’re not waiting – it all starts Here and Now.