Month: December 2017

12/31/17 – Now What?

Medina East Campus | Tommy Hutchison | December 30-31, 2017

12/24/17 – Behold: The King

Medina East Campus | Week 4 | Tony Livigni | December 23-24, 2017

This time of year often emphasizes the spirit of goodwill and unity. The Christmas message fills us with warmth and hope. Baby Jesus, a savior, the light, our newborn king. And yet, the message of Christmas is a double-edged sword. To admit these realities about Jesus is to admit some difficult things about ourselves. Christmas, like God Himself, is more magnificent and threatening than we may initially realize. King Herod was disturbed to hear Magi were inquiring about a newborn “king.” The prospect of a new king was anything but welcomed by Herod. In fact, he deeply resented it. In this series we’ll explore how if Christmas is truly about the newborn king, Jesus, His authority must dethrone me as the authority in my life.

12/17/17 – So This is Christmas – Bringing Light Home

String the lights, deck the halls, bring on the snow (at least for Christmas Day). The fun of the holiday season also brings the things we want most to the forefront. And we want simple things: for our relationships to work, things to go our way, everyone to get along – in a word, happiness. But as we all know, our interactions with each other during the holidays don’t always turn out the way we envision them. So This Is Christmas is a series offering a practical perspective on inviting Jesus into every moment of our Christmas season. See how his presence can change us and the dynamics of the situations we find ourselves in.

12/17/17 – Behold: Jesus

Medina East Campus | Week 3 | Tony Livigni | December 16-17, 2017

This time of year often emphasizes the spirit of goodwill and unity. The Christmas message fills us with warmth and hope. Baby Jesus, a savior, the light, our newborn king. And yet, the message of Christmas is a double-edged sword. To admit these realities about Jesus is to admit some difficult things about ourselves. Christmas, like God Himself, is more magnificent and threatening than we may initially realize. King Herod was disturbed to hear Magi were inquiring about a newborn “king.” The prospect of a new king was anything but welcomed by Herod. In fact, he deeply resented it. In this series we’ll explore how if Christmas is truly about the newborn king, Jesus, His authority must dethrone me as the authority in my life.

12/17/17 – Joy To The World – No More Let Sorrows Grow

Have you ever known people who are joyful? They have a hope for life that’s unshakable, regardless of circumstances. They stand out to us because they refuse to give up on things that really matter.

Joy like that changes our world, and it also changes us. We want to be around it. We want lives that see the bigger picture. So can we all have joy like that? If it doesn’t depend on circumstances or personality, can I experience joy too?

When Jesus came at Christmas, he brought joy for everyone. During this season, we’re looking at how Jesus can bring joy into our lives and joy to the world.